Monday, November 24, 2014


So, I will start with the fun questions! The food is great. The bread is amazing, even the Sacrament bread! Haha. The pastries are to die for, but it's fine... I can refrain! I had my first macaroon the other day... yeah... you guys have never had a real macaroon! They are so GOOD here!! I have had one meal from the members after a family night, but other than that, we eat the most random food we can find in our apartment. So... Ça va!! (It's okay!)

The ward here is AMAZING!!! It is a ward of about 150 members! They are all so supportive and awesome! It's just a big family!! 

Everyone here in France gives the "bises," (a greeting kiss). You think it would be more personal than a hug, but it's not! There is this one member who really just loves Soeur Whisler and me! We were supposed to have a lesson at her house, but our investigator canceled last minute, so we still went over and visited with her! She was showing us all these fun pictures, and I think I just kind of put my head on here shoulder like, "Oh, you are the best. I love you," head on the shoulder thing. She was so happy and was like, "Oh, will you hug me??" (in French). I was like, "Yeah, of course." She was so happy because she says that her daughters won't let her hug them! So, now every time she sees me we both get SO excited to give each other a BIG HUG!! It's my favorite. She is my favorite. She tells me I'm her favorite, so it all works out! Haha. 

On a more spiritual note! This week has been full of miracles again! First: Elder Cook came to our mission and the whole mission gathered to hear him speak! It was the coolest meeting I have ever been a part of! He shook all of our hands! Elder Wilson, (Zac's brother), and 2 other Elders played Danny Boy! It was one of the coolest musical numbers ever! The Spirit was so strong! Soeur Whisler and I just both felt that the meeting was directly for us! I think that is how the whole mission felt! Elder Cook talked about everything we had been talking about the past week! It was very reassuring! It was like our Heavenly Father wanted us to know that we are on the right track!! But, of course, there is always room for more growth!

One of our transfer goals is to have Faith and Gratitude, and to see them work hand and hand together! This week we have seen exactly that! We see so many miracles each day in the people we contact on the street, in our studies, in the bus schedule, and just in all these things that I know Heavenly Father is doing for us! After each time that happens, we say a prayer of gratitude because everything good comes from him! 

Back to faith! So, I think I called Awen on Tuesday morning! She didn't answer, so I left her a message! I knew she would call us back! Friday came and we still hadn't heard from her, but we still didn't doubt she would call us back! We had so much faith! Then, we were sitting, waiting for one of our amies (Investigators: friend of the church), and we got a text from AWEN! She invited us over the next day for tea.  We went and taught her all about the plan du salut! (Word of Wisdom).  She is awesome. She might have a long way to go, but I know she can do it! Heavenly Father is giving her all these signs. She just needs to realize they are from Him! In fact, we ran into her again right as we were walking into the email cafe. She said, "I can't wait to see you this week again!" YAY!! 

But my favorite miracle this week was with Sara! We had just finished our meeting with the Ward Mission Leader, and Ward Council was right after.  One person from each companionship was supposed to stay, so we were like, "Okay, let the ones who actually understand what's happening stay, and the Blues (Greenies) will go on a Blue exchange!" So, Soeur Ellis and I headed out to go contacting!!! Keep in mind, we do not speak French yet!! Haha. So, we just started walking!  We finally ran into a women! We talked to her... it was a struggle... We asked her if we could pray with her, and she was like, "No, I have to go.." So, a little discouraged, we kept walking around! It was later, and not many people were in the area, so we decided to head back! As we were walking back, I saw a shadow in the distance! I turned to Soeur Ellis and was like, "If this is a women, we have to talk to her. It will be a struggle but we have to!" 

It was my turn to contact this time! She got closer, and I got more nervous. I even began to doubt. Honestly, I don't even think it was me who stopped her. I know I had help from someone else! We talked to her for a minute and told her God loved her!  Then, she stopped us and said, "Wait, where are you from again?" "The United States," and she was like "Oh, so we can speak English?" We were like, "YES!!!!" We continued to talk, and she stopped us and said, "Can I give you my number so we can talk about this another day?" We were SO EXCITED! She gave us her number and then we asked if we could pray together! She said "Of course!" I asked if there was anything in particular she wanted us to pray for, and she simply said, "Happiness!" I said a prayer and asked Heavenly Father to help her feel His love and to bless her with happiness! 

At the end of the prayer, Sara had tears running down her cheek and said " Thank you so much! You guys were my Angels tonight!" We had another lesson with her yesterday! She is so prepared for this gospel! I know Heavenly Father is placing people like Sara in our path every minute of everyday! It is just up to us to BE BRAVE and talk to them! Despite the language barrier, Heavenly Father will find a way for them to feel His love! I love being a missionary! 

I feel our Heavenly Father's love every minute! I know He is guiding this work!! I love you all!! 

Soeur Back

Whitney's weekly letter to her Mission President:

Bonjour President!

This week has been amazing! We have seen so many miracles each day! I love it here in Rennes. The ward is AMAZING! There are such awesome members. I am learning new things each day from my trainer, from the people in Rennes, from our Amies (investigators), from the other Sisters and Elders, and of course from the Spirit! Yes, the language is hard for me, but I have faith. I know if I study and just open my mouth, my Heavently Father will help me. 

President, it makes me sad. I feel like the people here in France just don't smile as much as their Heavenly Father wants them to! So I have made a goal each day to make at least 30 people smile!! Soeur Whisler and I count all through out the day! We have found that it engages us in everyone around us, brings joy to our day, and hopefully brightens other's days as well! I know we will see success here in Rennes, but I also know I am here to brighten people's days just by a simple smile! We have a Light that we need to share, and a smile is a great place to start! We are really just trying to focus on "BEING THIS MESSAGE," like Elder Cook said! 

The Cook conference was amazing!! I loved every second! I felt like it was directly for me! Thank you for your remarks! Also, will you thank Soeur Babin! You two are truly amazing disciples of Christ! Thank you for all you do and for your love! 

Much love, 

Soeur Back

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