Tuesday, February 3, 2015

My Comp Is Going Home

February 2, 2015

Location: Rennes

This week was a fun one! We just lived that GREAT life of a missionary! We wake up at 6:30, go for a nice run in the constant mist/rain of Rennes, get ready for the day, and do some studies! Then we head out for the day! We contact every women you see, complement everyone's shoes or bag that we stand by on the bus... Then, if they look like they could be a student, we ask them if they are a student, and then we somehow sneak in there that we are from the United States!  If we're lucky, they'll ask why we are here in Rennes!!  Then we take our golden opportunity to tell them that we are actually here as a Missionaries to share a message of love and of Jesus Christ

This week we had a few more rendezvous than last, so that is ALWAYS FUN!  Then, after all the rendezvous, 1900 hours rolls around and the door tracting begins! There's my week in a wrap...the life of a missionary is always an adventure! I love it!

On Friday we had a Soeur (Sisters) Conference in Paris! Sooo, another trip to Paris! I'm not complaining. It sounds like you all saw the video of us singing the mission song! It's a pretty fun song, I guess, but the Soeur Conference was awesome! It was so fun to be with all the Soeurs again! I finally got to see Soeur Proudfoot- it was a fun little reunion! She is doing great!! 

Soeur Whisler is going home on Wednesday!! It is hard to say bye to my MOM.  She has taught me everything I know!!! I have learned so much from her! She truly was exactly the trainer I needed! She has been such an incredible example! When she testifies of the truth of the Restored Gospel, the people cannot help but listen, because she truly testifies with the Spirit! It is something I admire more than she will ever know! I pray each day for that spiritual gift! This week one of our amis, Marina, came to church and the DMP shared his testimony and thanked all the leaving missionaries.  Marina just started bawling... it was kinda sad! Soeur Whisler truly has made an impact on our amis lives and mine! I hope I have learned all my Heavenly Father wants me to learn from her! I hope I took advantage of every moment I had with such an incredible servant of the Lord! 

I am sad to say goodbye to Soeur Whisler, but I'm very excited for my new companion, Soeur Hansen, to come to Rennes! (Yes, I'm staying here in Rennes). I do not know her, but she is only going into her 3rd transfer... so she is only 1 transfer ahead of me...  We are both young in this mission thing! I think we will learn very fast how to more fully rely on the Lord! It will be an adventure, but I KNOW we will see SO many miracles! I am so excited! 

The work has been a little tougher these last few weeks, but there is always a Miracle in each day! I have so much FAITH that there are GREAT things to come! The Lord has promised us the field is white. He has called me to Rennes at this time and He has commanded me to find, teach, and baptize! I know this is possible! I know we can find, teach, and baptize because the Lord gives no commandment unto the children of men save He shall prepare a way for us to accomplish it! With Him, all things are possible! I have No fear or Doubt! 

President Uchtdorf said, 

"No matter our circumstances, no matter our challenges or trials, there is something each day to embrace and cherish. There is something in each day that can bring gratitude and joy if only we will see and appreciate it"

I read this quote today and just thought I would share it! Life is not made up of the "Grand Choices," but it is made up of little miracles each day! It’s truly the little things that make us happy; the little acts of service- like holding a door for the person behind you, or my personal favorite - just enjoying all the amazing gifts around you that God has given you!! 

I love you all! 

I challenge you this week to serve others by the petit choses (little choices), to search for the miracle in each day! 

I love you all! Have a great week!  Thank you for your prayers! 

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