Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Christmas Miracles and Stuff

Location: Rennes


HOW ARE YOU!?? There is NO way it is already the 15th of December! Christmas is in 10 days!!! So exciting! We get to sleep in as long as we want and watch an animated movie. How fun is that?!!!

This week has been AMAZING!! First off, I got the best package EVER (Jake and Matt). Thank you so much for your testimonies. You will never ever know how much that meant to me! I mean, I'm excited to open the presents, but that was the best present I could ever ask for! THANK YOU everyone!! I love you all!

This week I think I felt the true joy of missionary work! I mean, I feel way too much joy everyday, but this week we were working SO hard running around like crazy, and Heavenly Father truly blessed us!  Soeur Whistler and I have decided this transfer to really focus on less active work here in Rennes because none of the other missionaries here really do! We spent one afternoon going through the ward list and marking all the less actives’ addresses on our map. We had some rendezvous that evening, but the next day we decided we were going to see at least 5 of those less actives before dinner. So we packed our lunches, and began our less active search. (On our way out the door we checked the mailbox and there was a letter from DOUG with Nate's email in it!! He talked about having 8 less actives at church. I read it to Soeur Whistler and we both got so excited to go and find our less actives! So, thanks Elder Back!! Also, I really need to learn how you share Graham’s story!!)

Any way... our journey began...On our way, we were contacting everyone we passed.  We talked to some awesome people, and of course the other kind of people... jk. Our first less active on the list no longer lived at that address, so we were on to the next stop! We walked all the way up the rue, searching for this apartment. We walked a little further and decided to say a prayer that we would be guided to find this family! We decided to turned around and go back down the rue! We turned around and there was a lady with her little boy walking up the rue!  So, of course we Christmas contacted her. (Bonjour Madame. je m’appelle  Soeur Back! Je viens des Etats Unis mais je suis ici pour partager un message de la naissance de Jesus-Christ! Comment est-que vous vous souvenez Jesus-Christ pendent cette moment de Noel? “Hello Madame. My name is Sister Back! I come from the US, but I'm here to share a message of the birth of Jesus Christ! How do you remember Jesus Christ hanging at Christmastime?)   We had an awesome conversation and  then she invited us into her apartment right then!!!! She lived just right across the street!

We went and had an awesome lesson about the Plan Du Salut (Plan of Salvation)! We are seeing her on Sunday again!! How cool is that!? She is amazing! I know Heavenly Father blessed us because we were searching for less actives! In fact, after our rendezvous, we went back to find the less active’s home.  It turns out we were standing right outside of it the whole time, and they also didn't live there anymore. We know we weren't there to visit them; we were there to meet Sylvie!

SO, you are all asking about our 2 baptismal dates... Marie-Bernadette's son called us to hang out one night... We had to tell him NO, obviously, but I don’t think Marie-Bernadette was too happy about that, because 2 days later we called to confirm our rendezvous, and she told us she didn't really want to meet with us any more.  She is no longer on date for baptism! It is so sad, because we were really starting to see a change in her countenance. I know she knows these things our true! She even told Soeur Whistler on the phone that she believes all the things we have taught her.  It is okay. She will come around one day - I have faith!

Our other amis (investigator), Rosa, is a law student and is super busy.  She couldn't make it to our rendezvous this week! We talked to her, and she is reading the BOM and praying and doing everything she is supposed to be doing!!! She is awesome! BUT, listen to this AWESOME MIRACLE! Saturday night we decided to make cookies and just take them to Rosa with a cute Christmas note and scripture! So we made cookies during dinner made a cute card with John 3:16 and the website for the video on it! We started the trek to Rosa's and contacted a few awesome people on the way! We got to Rosa's.  She lives in student housing, so we couldn’t get up to her apartment! We decided to port (knock) around her apartment because she wasn't answering our calls. So we ported (knocked) some buildings with little success.

It was getting later, so we checked to see when the next bus came! We had 15 minutes so we said a prayer. We felt like we needed to port (knock) a couple more houses, and then we came across this really cute house! SO, we rang the doorbell! A 23 year-old boy came outside, and we asked if we could sing a Christmas hymn for him! He said "no," but then I offered him a cookie. We started talking, and he became very interested in what we did as missionaries and where we were from! We ended up having an awesome lesson with him, and leaving him the whole plate of cookies, the note and a Book Of Mormon! We asked if we could return, and he said "Why not!" So we went back Sunday night and taught the Plan du Salut to him, his mom, and his step-father!! They are awesome! Totally don't believe in God, but are willing to listen to our message, so we will take it!!! We were supposed to knock on that one last house, and we were supposed to have that plate of cookies for Nicholas and his family!

This week has been so fun and full of Christmas Joy and Christmas Miracles! An awesome single lady in the ward had a Christmas party at her home last night! She invited the Sister Missionaries,2 less active families, 4 non member friends, and then a couple families from the ward! The missionaries gave a spiritual thought, Santa came, and then we ate lots of good food, made rendezvous (appointments) with 2 less active families, and a rendezvous with one of her non member friends!!!! MEMBER MISSIONARY WORK IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE!!!! The members here are amazing!!!! I LOVE it in Rennes!!! This week has been amazing!!

So, fun fact! Everyone, except for me, is sick in our apartment!! Who would have ever guessed I would be the healthy one?! NOT ME!! Heavenly Father is truly blessing me with more and more energy each day. I feel so blessed!! I read "Our Search For Happiness" this past week and came across one of the most true statements! Elder Ballard calls it “an eternal truth.” He said, "You can never do more for the Lord than He can do for you."  How true is that?!!! Here I am in France, just trying to serve Him! But he just keeps serving and blessing me MORE and MORE!!!

I love you all!! I love my Heavenly Father and His son Jesus Christ!  Have the best week or whatever before Christmas!! I LOVE YOU and can not wait to talk to you all!!!

Soeur Back

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Castle Mont St. Michel

Location: Rennes

(This letter was transcribed from a letter that Whitney photographed and e-mailed).

December 6, 2014

Hi Family-
How are you all? On Monday we are going to see the Castle Mont St. Michel, so we won’t have tons of time to e-mail and I thought I would just send you a picture letter! Hope that’s cool!
Dad asked for a clarification on Rosa. Rosa is another investigator who is from Africa! The Elders met her on a bus and we planned to meet her at church the next day, our first week here! So, we have been teaching her since week one! She is awesome! Golden, in fact. (People here say “en fait” (French for "In Fact") ALL THE TIME) So, now I just say "in fact" all the time in French and English! Rosa is awesome. She is the investigator who already believes everything before we teach it! We hope to have her on date for Baptism for the 28th! We will keep you updated.
Sara just kind of wants to be friends and hangout. It is hard to say "Sorry. We can’t hang out with you Saturday night, but we we’ll teach you a lesson at church if you want!" Ha ha. I have faith she will come around one day!
Awen is super busy with school, but we run into her everywhere!  She always stops us and talks to us…. You guys - Rennes is not small, you don’t just run into someone 5 times on accident. The last time we saw her, she was a little drunk, but was excited to talk to us on the 20th after exams.
We are teaching a lot more than these three. I will send you a picture of our board! Right now we are teaching this old lady Marie Bernadette! She is older, but so open to everything we teach. It is amazing! She is also Golden. We are hoping she will receive answers to her prayer and be baptized on the 28th also! We met her outside the mental hospital we live across from, but don’t worry! She is not crazy! She has a son who is probably about 20 something, and is always home hanging out and smoking with all of his friends. But, like, I think he might have a little crush on us. It is soooo awkward. We were teaching like, in the middle of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and he walked out of his room and just started doing pull ups. Then he turned to us, and was like, “Quoi de neuf?” (What’s up?). Marie- Bernadette just starts laughing and Soeur Whistler and I just felt AWK….. Then, last night at midnight we get a text that is like “Hey. What’s up? It is Thomas, the son of Marie-Bernadette." LOL! So, that’s the fun story of the week!
We are teaching lots of awesome people and trying to find new awesome people each day! The work is awesome here in Rennes! We have the hardest working Elders! They are AWESOME!
Another funny story. We were teaching Sikila and her two daughters! (This is a little African family who are awesome. The little girls are so smart and remember everything we teach. They read the Book of Mormon and all the brochures we give them! They are only 5 and 7, but there is no way! They seem like they are 8 and 10, but it is fine. Anyway... in the middle of the lesson, the youngest girl was like “Wait, look at this. What is this?” She pulled out a Jehovah's Witness booklet! We told her that that was a different religion! Shje walked over to the garbage, threw the booklet in, and said “This is not my religion!” Ha ha!
Anyway, life here in Rennes is always great! It is a college type town, so the weekend is always interesting! This morning we got on the bus on our way to church with Book of Mormon in hand, and what did we find? A bunch of possibly still drunk, hung over college kiddos, heading home for the night…. After a few minutes a man smiled at me. He was probably 25! He said something about how I was a beautiful girl and then asked what was in my hand? I quickly responded  “It is the Bible” He then quickly walked away! Ha ha We are not allowed to talk to men, so it is always awkward when they approach us, but I guess I’ll just always have to have my quad in my hands, because the Bible seems to scare them away! Ha ha!
Dad asked about the ward. The ward is awesome. There are about 150 members, but everyone is so involved! There is a good mix of all ages! The old ones, young families, lots of youth and a good little group of young adults! The Bishop is probably in his late 30’s. He and his wife met at BYU! They are awesome!
It is starting to get really, really cold, but ca va! There are Christmas Lights all throughout the town - it is fun! Google Sainte Anne and Republique, Rennes during Christmas! It is so pretty! It is my favorite place to contact because everyone should just be so happy because the lights are so fun….  But, they are not always. Ca Va! It really is so pretty here in Rennes. I feel so lucky to be here each day! 
It is so fun living with four sisters too! I feel so lucky! They are all so awesome! Sometimes I worry we have too much fun together, but it also can get a little emotional sometimes… ha ha. But ,what do you expect! I would like to announce I have not cried yet... minus feeling the Spirit! No tears for me in Rennes. Just feeling the joy each day! Well, I will send you a spiritual thought on Monday. Oh! Listen to how fun this is! Tonight all 8 missionaries are going to sing together in Republique (all 8 together) I will report on all the joy we bring! Ha ha! I love you, I hope this works and is okay! I love you. Have a great week! I love being a missionary. Yes sometimes it is hard, but it is always worth it! I love you all!
Mom- I hope you had the best B-day Ever! Je’T’aime
P.S. I straightened my hair for the 1st time today… yeah, it doesn’t stay straight here just in case you were wondering! Ha ha!
Also will you send me Nate Backs Email?

December 7, 2014
Hi!! I love you all!!
So, last night was the best Sunday night ever!!! We gathered in Republique, also known as centre ville! We just started singing, and some people stopped, but it was kinda awkward. So we decided we needed to approach people as they came, and ask if we could sing for them! So, that is what we did! We ended up spreading lots of joy and praying with 3 groups of people! We even got some numbers! It was a great night to be a missionary! There truly is power in hymns and especially Christmas hymns!! It was so fun to spread the message of joy and the birth of Christ through the hymns! I love this time of year! There is not a better time to learn more about our Savior and share it with others!  

I love you all!! Have a great week!!

Soeur Back

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Location: Rennes

Hi!! How is everyone?!! How was Thanksgiving!? It’s kind of an American holiday, but don't worry, we still celebrated! On Wednesday we had district meeting and then we ate a nice big Thanksgiving dinner with our district! It was fun! We made a cheesecake! It actually turned out! Everyone was very impressed! Haha. I've actually been quiet domestic this week! While my companion was writing her essays, I slaved away in the kitchen making chicken pot pie and cookies. I also studied the language and read the Book Of Mormon of course!!

This week was awesome! I love being a servant of the Lord!! I try each day to be worthy to be guided by the Spirit! Even though we spent a lot of time inside this week... we still had lots of rendezvous and met lots of people! I have a strong testimony that the Lord truly does concentrate our time and efforts as missionaries!

Sometimes during personal study I look at the time, worried that time is up, and that I won't have time to study everything I want, and then I look at the clock and I still have a solid 30 minutes to study!! It is the best!!  During language study I will learn a certain amount of words for that day and somehow, in some way, those words are put to use that day! Whether it is on a sign on the street, or a member uses it, or I have to use it during a lesson, our Heavenly Father finds a way for me to use and learn those words!! It truly is incredible!! It is a testimony of the importance of this work! WE CAN NOT WASTE A MINUTE!! The language is coming slowly but surely! I can not wait for the day it just clicks! I know if I keep working at it, it will come!! I can always use your prayers! In fact, if you want to pray 3 times a day for me to have the gift of tongues, it would be much appreciated!

So, this week, like I have said was a little different! Sara didn't come to PPP (pancakes, ping pong, and penser spiritual (spiritual thought))! It is a fun activity for all the young adults in the ward on Wednesday night! Sara said she was going to come but then never showed up! I called her and left her a message and she never called us back, and then our other awesome GOLDEN investigator, Rosa, wasn't returning our phone call either!! We were so sad, but just kind of confused more than anything!! We never lost faith! we kept praying for them and thinking about them!! And then, GUESS what?? We woke up Sunday morning with a text from Sara!!! She had to move that week, and was just really busy, but wants to meet with us this week!! SO, we were like super excited about that, and then we were planning that night, and guess who called us! Yep, ROSA! She had been super busy with work!! We are seeing her this week!!! I know our Heavenly Father is preparing them and helping them understand the importance of his message!! I know that if we have faith and righteous desires, and we act upon those righteous desires, he will bless us and those we are praying for!!

I love Gratitude and I love Thanksgiving because it reminds us to be grateful ALL THE TIME! Have you seen that amazing HE IS THE GIFT video!??? I love it!! I know this video will change lives! While I was in the MTC, the head over Mormon Messages came and talked to us about the whole "He is The Gift Initiative." I know it is truly inspired and will bring so many unto Christ! I challenge all of you to share that video with a less active or non member!

This week was Stake Conference, so we got to go to Nantes! It was so beautiful!  We drove with the Alliot's (the one who calls me her daughter and gives me hugs). Haha - they love us!  It was about an hour and half drive through the country during sunrise!!!! It was Heavenly Father's Gift to me that day!! I really needed to see the sun, and, I mean, the sun rise is like the best!! I am so grateful for the beauty of the Earth! It truly is another testimony of God's love for us!!

I love being a missionary!! I am so grateful for my Savior! I want nothing more than for him to fully trust me! I want to show him that I am listening to his promptings! That I will talk to whoever he wants me to talk to! Walk wherever he wants me to walk! I pray each day to let him show me my weaknesses and to help me make them strong! I know through Him anything is possible! I Love you all!! Have the best week ever!!!


Soeur Back