Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Location:  Rennes

Hi Family!! 

If I had one word to sum up this week, it would be, "FRUDGED!" (A mission word that has been around for about 10 plus years.  Now... I will do my best to explain! It is a drink that Africans often make, and typically African amis are the once who don't show up for Rendezvous... So, when your amis doesn't come to a rendezvous... you get FRUDGED!)

Soeur Whisler and I had a ton of rendezvous scheduled for this week! We had members all lined up to teach with us and it was going to be a pretty dang good week! I guess Heavenly Father had another plan... ALL OF OUR AMIS CANCELED! I AM NOT EXAGGERATING! We had 0 progressing AMIS this week, but you know what, I'm not even mad about it! We were able to find some new amis who are awesome! Heavenly Father just needed us out finding this week instead of inside teaching!

Fun story of the week: Prayer works. I think about 3 weeks ago at 7:30 in the morning, I was just getting ready for the day! I have had this small container of my favorite lotion that I have been saving every single drop... It's a little worldly of me, but this lotion just kind of brings me joy! I was at the end of my little bottle, and I knew that Denise was sending me a package soon, so I got on my knees and said a prayer that the best mother on the face would be in tune with the Spirit to know that I NEEDED lotion... (Guys - I know this is worldly, but as a missionary, it's the little things like lotion. Ok.) 

I then patiently waited for my package to come, and on Tuesday it came! I didn't even have to open it. I read on the customs slip: "Lotion." I quickly dropped to my knees and said a prayer of gratitude!! I opened the package, and there were two bottles of my favorite lotion!! THANKS MOM!! So, here is kind of a silly example of prayer, but prayer works! Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy! He even cares about the little things! 

Among all the Frudgeing this week, we still saw lots of miracles! We had a rendezvous with a young girl at 3 o'clock at the church! This was our first rendezvous with her, so we got there a few minutes early and were making phone calls while we waited. A solid 20 minutes passed, and we just laughed and said, "Well, just add it to the list this week..." 

We decided to go outside and contact near the church and offer to do church tours. We were out there for a couple minutes, and we weren't passing ANY women. So, we went to the bus stop and said a prayer! After we prayed, Soeur Whisler and I just sat there in silence... for a solid 4 minutes! I finally said, "Let's just hop on the next bus and trajet (path/street) contact (sit by people on the bus and just talk to them! haha).  A bus pulled up, and guess who got off?!! OUR AMIS! A whole hour later, and she finally came!! 

If we wouldn't have made phone calls, contacted outside the church, and sat there for 4 minutes in silence, who knows if we would have been there when Mariom came! It usually isn't until after the matter that you realize you were being prompted by the Spirit to do those certain things. Heavenly Father really does bless us and the Spirit really does prompt us! 

This Sunday was awesome. I took the Hi-chews you sent in my package and was sneaking them to members. They don't have those here, so everyone was LOVING them! I think it made me some new friends! One of the Awesome Tahitian families in the ward even passed us a note during Sacrament and invited us to dinner... SCORE! 

During Sunday School I was sitting there, and I had a strong prompting that after Sunday School we needed to go outside, stand in front of the church, and invite EVERYONE who walks by to come and join us for Sacrament Meeting! I told Soeur Whisler, "I know this is weird, but we need to go outside after this and contact for a few minutes!" She was, like, "Okay... we can do that..." So, we went outside and a couple of minutes passed and no one walked by. I was like, "I'm sorry. This was a bad idea." Then, we spotted someone in the distance! We waited until he approached, and Soeur Whisler and I both saw tears in his eyes! We smiled and said "Bonjour," and invited him to church! He smiled back at us and politely thanked us for invite but kept walking! 

Even though he didn't come to church, and we will maybe never see him again, "We made someone feel glad!" Sometimes our mission is simple. Sometimes all we have to do is say "Hi," smile, and cheer up the sad! I often think of this hymn

Have I done any good in the world today?
Have I helped anyone in need?
Have I cheered up the sad and made someone feel glad?
If not, I have failed indeed.
I love being a missionary! I love the opportunity I have each day to cheer up the sad and make someone feel glad with this WONDERFUL message: That Christ has restored His Church again today; we have a living Prophet to guide us; and that there is someone who has felt everything we have ever felt, who understands everything we go through! Each day we can build and strengthen our relationship with Him through prayer, scripture study, serving others, and embracing the gospel of Jesus Christ! Through these things, we can find TRUE JOY that will last through the Eternities!

I love you all! Have a wonderful week!! Go make some one feel glad! Don't be a scrub, go share some Love!"

Soeur Back

The curly haired one is from France and is a Sister Missionary in the Temple Square Mission! She served here for the last 2 transfers after a surgery! She is finally going back to SLC! She calls herself my French Twin! We were both tom boys when we were little! She goes back the 21st, so I told her you would go to Temple Square and ask for a French tour! Go find her and give her a hug because she is the BEST! She speaks great English too, so don't worry! Her name is Soeur Ficquet!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Shut Your Mouth and Smile!

Location: Rennes

Hi Family!! How are you all?!!! Can you believe that it is the endish of January already?!! Time just flies by way too fast! Sounds like it has been a fun week there!! Eden and all the little kiddos are getting way too big. It is kind of weird!!! Before we know it, there will be another little dude running around!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! 

This week has been SO GREAT!!! 

On Tuesday we went to Paris for legality! I am now LEGAL in France!!!! I love PARIS!!! There is the BEST Missionary Spirit there!! For legality, all the Blues (new missionaries) come back together, and we all go to some legality office... It is quite the adventure! We tinkled in a cup, (that one is for you Doug).  Then we got a chest x ray. So, that meant shirt off for some random French doctor... Ha-ha. It was an adventure to say the least! It was so fun to see the MTC crew and share our fun stories!! SO MUCH BLUE FIRE AND LOVE FOR THIS WORK! Needless to say it was a great way to start the week! 

OH, but before that... On Monday night we saw MIRACLES!! 

As you all know, Mondays are our Preparation Days, so we start working at 6 o’clock at night! Usually we only get about one lesson on a Monday, but Soeur Whisler and I on Sunday night felt like we needed to work a little harder, so we set our goals a little higher! We wanted to get 4 lessons! 

Monday started just like a normal P day! We finished emails and then headed out for the night! We were wandering around Republique trying to find a bus to get us home quickly to grab some Law of Chastity pamphlets, but we watched all our buses pull away... Worst deal! We said to our selves, "There is a reason for everything." 

As we were walking to another bus stop, Soeur Whisler and I both had this feeling to stop and talk to this lady smoking a cigarette! We started talking to her, and she was believing. While we shared a little message with her, her daughter walked up! We said a prayer with them and MADE ANOTHER rendezvous!! 2 New Amis!  

We then had a rendezevous with Maelle, but she called us and said she was leaving her house at 6:30 so we had to come before. It was like 6:05 and we were a solid 15 minutes away, and there were no buses coming in time... So we RAN! We ran all the way to Maelle's, and got there just in time to teach a nice lesson on The Law of Chastity

After, we were sitting at the bus stop a little unsure what to do, so we prayed! We decided to walk the rest of the way home and just talk to everyone on the way! After we said "Amen," we looked up and there was a young girl walking in our direction! We stopped and started talking to her! We prayed with her and then made another rendezvous with her... NEW AMIS #3!! Then we continued our walk home! 

We passed another young girl who wasn't interested. Ça va... You win some and you lose some, but we just kept walking! 

It was getting later and time was running out, but we had faith we could find one more person! We said a prayer and kept walking! Then a 24 year old girl came around the corner!! Yep, you guessed it. We talked to her!! SHE IS THE COOLEST! She is from England, has the best accent, and is so dang accepting! She told us she grew up in a household where she had never once talked or thought about God! As we bore our testimonies on prayer and God's love for us, she just kept saying, “This all sounds very nice!" We prayed with her and made another rendezvous with her!! New Amis # 4! 

We met with Amy, the one from England, on Wednesday! She loves this Gospel!! She even said her first prayer! It might have been my favorite moment of my mission yet! She started it by saying, "Hello God. It's Amy. This is my first time praying to you!" I felt the Spirit so strongly!! Our Heavenly Father is just waiting for all of us to pray to him! He doesn't care how we do, just as long as we do it!! 

I love this Gospel!!! I love being a missionary!! I love you all. Sorry I don't have much time! Have a great week!!! I’ll send pictures this week!! Don't forget to pray and have faith! With those two things, anything is possible! 

Sueur Back 

I'm Safe Everyone!

Location: Rennes

Hi Family! 

It has kind of been a crazy week here in France, but I honestly think you all know more of what is going on here than me, but I'll tell you my side of the story! 

I believe it was Wednesday evening, we received a vague text from President that said there was an act of terrorism and to contact in safe areas, lock your doors and windows, to be smart, and follow the promptings of the Spirit! 

After we read the text, we all wondered what had happened, but had no way of finding out!  The next morning Soeur Whisler and I were in Republique, and I looked over and there was a bomb squad staked out in the middle of Republique... So, we started to again wonder, "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!!!" We began asking all of our amis! 

Between the 8 missionaries in Rennes and thanks to all of our amis, we kind of figured out what had happened!  Everything kind of seemed to be settling down until we started seeing all these "Je suis Charlie" posters and stickers!  Then, on Friday, we received another text from President that the Elders in Aulny could hear gunshots coming from the gare (railway station) and that all missionaries should return home ASAP if they didn't have rendezvous. Luckily we had a rendezvous! 

I feel pretty safe here in Rennes - not too much is happening, other than the manifestation (rally) on Sunday! All the missionaries are safe, and I am alive and doing well!  I will keep you updated though! 

Other than that, this week has been pretty interesting! Lots of miracles, just like always! 

The life of a missionary is kind of crazy. It is full of ups and downs and all sorts of fun things. There is a quote from president Hinckley that I love. He said, "The highs and the lows let us know we are participating not just observing, learning and not just existing!" I love that! It pretty much sums up missionary work and life.

It is not always going to be easy, and it isn't always going to be full of golden investigators. Sometimes, the language will be hard, but through it all, we are progressing! Through the hard times we grow and gain experience that we could have gained in no other way! The hard times make the good times just that much more beautiful! So, if life seems hard sometimes, know you are doing something right! You are participating. You are learning. Know there are better times to come! Maybe not tomorrow or maybe not next month, but for those who live the gospel of Jesus Christ, there are blessings and there are beautiful times to come!  

This week we had an awesome rendezvous with a new amis named CLAIRE!!! Yep, just like you Claire! She is an 18 year old girl who is just SO DANG HAPPY! When we contacted her, I asked her how she finds happiness in this life. She responded, "I really like the SUN!!" I was like, "This is my kind of girl!" 

It was a rainy day, but she was still so happy and was able to recognize that the simple things, such as the sun, are some of the greatest gifts from God!  We had a rendezvous with her on Tuesday night! 2 awesome young women wanted to spend the night with Soeur Whisler and I, so they were there too... We had a awesome rendezvous at the church. Claire had awesome questions and was so excited to go and tell her mom all about the le Livre de Mormon

After our rendezvous, we all had to walk a little way to the catch the bus. Claire was just talking and talking to these young women and making them feel like her best friends!  

Claire really made me think that we all need to be a little bit more like her! We need to be grateful for the sun, even on a rainy day. We need to have that desire and excitement to share the Book of Mormon with those we love the most, and we need to make everyone feel our love for them, even if we just met them that night, and even if they are a little different then we are. We are all children of God. No one should have to earn our love and friendship! 

It is amazing to me how much I am learning each day from my trainer, the other missionaries, my Mission President, the members, and those we teach! I LOVE IT! 

Thank you for all your letters. You have no idea how much I love and enjoy them! 

I love you! Have a great week! Say your prayers. Read your scriptures. And don't do drugs!! 


Soeur Back


Location: Rennes

Bonne Année!!!  (Happy New Year!!!)

This week was GREAT!!! Where do I even start?!! 

Let's start with New Years Eve! New Years Eve was a day full of miracles! Soeur Whisler and I made another goal to give away 3 different Books Of Mormon in 3 different languages. Soeur Whisler choose Arabic, English and French... I was a little skeptical about the Arabic BOM but guess what!!?? Yep. Uou guessed right - we gave it away to the most awesome students that we met on campus on our way to a rendezvous! 

We were a few minutes early for our rendezvous, so we decided just to get of the bus a stop early and walk through the campus on our way to our rendezvous! There wasn't anyone really out and about, but right as we were about to cross the street, we saw a boy and girl walking in our direction! SO, we contacted them! Guess what? They spoke Arabic! We gave them the Book Of Mormon, got their numbers, and then prayed with them!! They were so excited to get he Book Of Mormon! We showed them the promise and then Kenza quickly responded, "Okay. I promise I will READ it!!!" Miracle number one of the week! 

Let me tell you about our amis Maelle! Maelle is a 20 year old girl who is GOLDEN and is getting baptized on the 25th of this month!! We have been teaching Maelle since the first week we got here in Rennes! She is AWESOME! She is so open to everything that we teach! She is maybe a little slower, so we teach her very simply, but it is so amazing to see her truly feel the joy of this gospel! The first few times we met with her she was pretty sad and not too excited about life. She couldn't find much joy! I remember the first rendezvous. I asked her "Maelle, what brings you joy in life?" After much thought, her response was "Puzzles and TV..." 

Just before Christmas we really started to see a change in Maelle! She is happier and has a light in her eyes! She may not understand everything perfectly, but I have never met anyone so sensitive to the Spirit! Whenever the Spirit is super strong in a rendezvous, she just kind of sits there and smiles and takes it all in!! After, she tells us how much joy she feels when we come!! So, on Monday night we asked her if she would be Baptized on the 25th of January!! She said "YES!!!" 

I felt so much joy in that moment, I just wanted to give her a BIG hug, but they don't do that here.. We have truly seen a change in her life!!! It is so amazing what this gospel can do for people and what we have already seen it do for Maelle! 

We had a rendezvous with her the next day, we took her to the church to show her the baptismal font! It only made her that much more excited for baptism!! We saw her again on Saturday night and were talking to her about church. She has been very nervous to come to church because she says she is really shy! After our lesson, we talked a little bit about church and then she said, "Can I ask you a question?" She continued to say, "Can I come to church every Sunday? After reading in the Book of Mormon and talking to you, I just want to come to church every Sunday!" 

WHAT??? who says THAT!!! I TOLD you she was gold!!! So, we told her "Of course. COME EVERY SUNDAY. It is a COMMANDMENT!" Haha. She came to Church yesterday!! Whe told everyone she talked to, "YEAH, I'm coming "Tootes les demanches" (All the Sundays)!" She loved it!!! It was so fun to see her feel the joy that this gospel brings! I am so excited for her because there is just more and more joy to come in her life with the aid of this wonderful gospel!!

Listen to this one! I eat SNAILS! On New Years Eve, all the Soeurs went over to the most awesome family's home.  They thought it would be funny to make us try all the fun crazy french foods! So, we played a fun game! For every crazy thing you ate, (oysters, escargot. weird sausage that I still don't know what it was exactly... and smoked trout), you got a ticket to fish for chocolate! So, I bet my New Years was way more crazy than yours!  

We didn't have to work New Years Day... It was so WEIRD. I honestly HATED IT!! Soeur Whisler and I went on a run and ran into a super fun park. We played in the park for a few minutes. Not sure Christ would have done it, but it was pretty fun! After that, we just had a pretty lazy day. I'm not sure how I felt about it! It was good to get back to work the next day! 

I love you all! I hope you all set some awesome New Year goals and fun stuff like that! I know that through faith in our Savior you can accomplish anything!! 

I love you all! I love this Gospel! I Feel so blessed to be a missionary! Have a great week!!! 

Oh - we also have another 19 year old on date for baptism the 31st!! 

Love you!

Christmas Pictures

Location: Rennes