Monday, January 26, 2015

I'm Safe Everyone!

Location: Rennes

Hi Family! 

It has kind of been a crazy week here in France, but I honestly think you all know more of what is going on here than me, but I'll tell you my side of the story! 

I believe it was Wednesday evening, we received a vague text from President that said there was an act of terrorism and to contact in safe areas, lock your doors and windows, to be smart, and follow the promptings of the Spirit! 

After we read the text, we all wondered what had happened, but had no way of finding out!  The next morning Soeur Whisler and I were in Republique, and I looked over and there was a bomb squad staked out in the middle of Republique... So, we started to again wonder, "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON!!!" We began asking all of our amis! 

Between the 8 missionaries in Rennes and thanks to all of our amis, we kind of figured out what had happened!  Everything kind of seemed to be settling down until we started seeing all these "Je suis Charlie" posters and stickers!  Then, on Friday, we received another text from President that the Elders in Aulny could hear gunshots coming from the gare (railway station) and that all missionaries should return home ASAP if they didn't have rendezvous. Luckily we had a rendezvous! 

I feel pretty safe here in Rennes - not too much is happening, other than the manifestation (rally) on Sunday! All the missionaries are safe, and I am alive and doing well!  I will keep you updated though! 

Other than that, this week has been pretty interesting! Lots of miracles, just like always! 

The life of a missionary is kind of crazy. It is full of ups and downs and all sorts of fun things. There is a quote from president Hinckley that I love. He said, "The highs and the lows let us know we are participating not just observing, learning and not just existing!" I love that! It pretty much sums up missionary work and life.

It is not always going to be easy, and it isn't always going to be full of golden investigators. Sometimes, the language will be hard, but through it all, we are progressing! Through the hard times we grow and gain experience that we could have gained in no other way! The hard times make the good times just that much more beautiful! So, if life seems hard sometimes, know you are doing something right! You are participating. You are learning. Know there are better times to come! Maybe not tomorrow or maybe not next month, but for those who live the gospel of Jesus Christ, there are blessings and there are beautiful times to come!  

This week we had an awesome rendezvous with a new amis named CLAIRE!!! Yep, just like you Claire! She is an 18 year old girl who is just SO DANG HAPPY! When we contacted her, I asked her how she finds happiness in this life. She responded, "I really like the SUN!!" I was like, "This is my kind of girl!" 

It was a rainy day, but she was still so happy and was able to recognize that the simple things, such as the sun, are some of the greatest gifts from God!  We had a rendezvous with her on Tuesday night! 2 awesome young women wanted to spend the night with Soeur Whisler and I, so they were there too... We had a awesome rendezvous at the church. Claire had awesome questions and was so excited to go and tell her mom all about the le Livre de Mormon

After our rendezvous, we all had to walk a little way to the catch the bus. Claire was just talking and talking to these young women and making them feel like her best friends!  

Claire really made me think that we all need to be a little bit more like her! We need to be grateful for the sun, even on a rainy day. We need to have that desire and excitement to share the Book of Mormon with those we love the most, and we need to make everyone feel our love for them, even if we just met them that night, and even if they are a little different then we are. We are all children of God. No one should have to earn our love and friendship! 

It is amazing to me how much I am learning each day from my trainer, the other missionaries, my Mission President, the members, and those we teach! I LOVE IT! 

Thank you for all your letters. You have no idea how much I love and enjoy them! 

I love you! Have a great week! Say your prayers. Read your scriptures. And don't do drugs!! 


Soeur Back

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