Tuesday, October 28, 2014

MTC Week 4


Guess what??? I get my travel plans on Friday!! Crazy huh!!? Time is flying by here! Each week has its challenges, however each week gets a little better and goes by a little faster! 

My heart broke to hear of the news of Grace Holland. It makes me wonder if I would have tried a little harder to share the knowledge I have, would she still have been in that situation. She is an awesome girl and I'm sure she is learning and accepting the Gospel as we speak. My heart hurts for her Dad and Mom. They will most definitely be in my prayers. 

All the little one's Halloween costumes are way too cute!! I love to see pictures of them. Eden is getting so big! Please tell them all to stop growing! Thanks. 

No scones this year?... Come on Doug and Denise - fight the old! jk I guess that just means it is Heather and Jake's turn to take the tradition back to Iris Ln. where it all began!! Dad - I will be singing John Denver on Halloween! Don't you fret.

I still love the MTC!! Each morning on the walk to breakfast I sing! 

"Its a great day to be alive. 
The sun still shinin' when I close my eyes. 
We got hard times in the MTC 
Why can't everyday be just this gooooodddd!!!" 

It has kinda turned into one of those things where all the sisters in our zone join in and we start the day off right each morning. SO, that's fun... So, like, at 7 a.m., feel free to sing along with us! It's a pretty happy way to start a day. 

This week has been a little crazy. It's been a tough week with the language... It's kind of an every other week thing! Sometimes I feel like I'm progressing and I can kind of speak a little French and understand most people, but this week, I swear people were speaking to me in Chinese not French!  My brain was not even going to try to turn on French mode. BUT IT'S FINE!!! I HAVE FAITH!! 

This week is going to be awesome! I cannot wait for these next two weeks to just dive in 110%, and apply every French rule I have learned in the last 4 weeks and speak French! I know through the Spirit I can learn this language! My Heavenly Father has promised me I can, so I'm trusting him! 

This week's TRC experience went A LOT BETTER!! I was able to share how I decided to go on a mission, testifying that God hears and answers our prayers. So, that was fun!! I decided to look at TRC as a time to have other members help me improve my French - which is really its purpose, so it was good! 

Wednesday - Saturday was just a pretty typical week! I don't like to say typical, because I think any week you are able to feel the Spirit 24 hours a day is pretty awesome!  I also love that it has become typical in my life! It is something I hope to never lose! I know outside of the MTC it won't be so easy ,but hey, "It's the quest of a life time!" 

Saturday was one of my favorite days so far in the MTC. Our teacher's lesson kind of took a turn, and we suddenly started talking about the importance of sincere prayer! Soeur Coleman, (my teacher), and Frere Adams, (another teacher who was just sitting in on our class), both shared awesome personal experiences about prayer! On a scale of 1-SPIRIT the Spirit was definitely at SPIRIT! Soeur Coleman then had us go with our companions and pray out loud together. Soeur Proudfoot went first. She said her prayer in French and the whole time she was praying, the only thing I could think about was, "HE IS HERE WITH US." With tears running down our cheeks, we thanked our Heavenly Father for His love and asked Him for His guidance and comfort. At the end of prayer, we both stood up and gave each other a hug and both knew we were not alone alone in that classroom. I am so grateful for the love I felt from my Heavenly Father in those moments, and always! He wants to hear from us. He wants to comfort us, and He does exactly that. 

Sunday was also an awesome day, just as Sundays are! Soeur Proudfoot had to teach at district meeting and spent all morning working on her lesson while I sat back enjoying my Sunday. We got back to the classroom for our little break before lunch, and our District Leader, (who is great, but he kind of struggles... but, like, we love him soo much!), turned to Elder Smith and said, "You are ready to teach on faith, right? And Soeur Proudfoot, you are ready to teach of the Holy Ghost, right?" Soeur Proudfoot said "Yep." Then Elder Smith, with a panicked look, turned to Elder Brill and said, "Elder, what are you talking about? You never asked me!" So, there was some disputation about that. I finally said, "Elder Smith, I read some cool stuff on faith the other day I'll share it with you. If you like it, you can teach it!"  I went over and read the end of Moroni 7 with him and shared an experience I had while reading the chapter! 

We went to lunch and then met back for district meeting. We had a member of our Branch Presidency, his wife, and also our District President, (so like the big guy on campus), in our meeting. Soeur Proudfoot taught an awesome lesson. The Spirit was at a SPIRIT level!  Then it was Elder Smith's turn to teach! He stood up and said "Before we came to lunch Soeur Back shared with me Moroni 7. She taught it to me in a way I don't think that I could do justice." He then asked me to teach what I had shared with him! So, it's fine. I did it! 

I shared how that week I read this chapter and the Spirit taught me something that I hope the Spirit will teach you today as it taught me! I went on to share how if we don't have faith, miracles cease because we are choosing not to see God's hand in our life. We then continued and read the last 8 verses of the chapter together. I challenge you all at home to go and read Moroni 7. It is one of the coolest chapters out there. 

I'll give you the summary of my lesson!--- I know that if we have faith and put our whole trust in our Heavenly Father and His plan for us, we will be humbled. When we are humbled and meek we can then have charity! Charity! It all comes back to CHARITY! Charity is the pure love of Christ. This gospel is the pure LOVE of Christ. If we continue to strive to have charity for everyone and everything in the last days, we will KNOW our Savior, and we will be purified as he is pure! How many times have we said "I can be perfect just as Christ is?" Now I know how. Yeah, it is through baptism and repentance, but the first principle in the gospel is FAITH! If we can have faith, we can have charity, and if we have charity, we CAN become pure as Christ is pure. 

So, there is your Soeur Back devotional for the day! Oh, and get this! The District President taught after me and taught about teaching. Luckily, the only thing we forgot to do was leave them with a commitment. Other than that, our lessons went pretty well! The Spirit was there to testify of the truth of these gospel principles and I am so grateful for that! 

Just some dumb things. We moved to a new classroom yesterday. The district that welcomed us left yesterday, and we have 19 new missionaries coming in! So, that is going to be fun! Lots of changes! It was sad saying bye to the Canada district - they have become some of my closest friends, but I'm so excited for them to start their adventure! 

Our new building is beautiful! The Spirit in the building is so strong. I am so excited to learn about the Gospel and French there each day! I cannot wait to welcome the NEW Elders and Sisters. We are in charge of their first night orientation. Hopefully we can help them feel a little less confused than we were that day! Haha. 

I love it here I love being a missionary!! Heavenly Father continues to confirm my decision to serve a mission. 


Soeur Whit Back

Oh, and I need more pictures of Alice, Claire and Eden! I see Porter each week! And, like, maybe a letter from Kate... John sent me a good one! Thanks dude!! Jake sent me a kind of letter... Still waiting on the real one... but Kate?? Where you at dude?? Just kidding. I love you all I feel your love even if you don't write me!!! I love you!! 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 3 and Not Even Mad About It.

Time is flying by here in the MTC - especially this week.  I still love it here.  My day is still the same old same old, full of the Spirit and learning. SO MUCH LEARNING! I LOVE KNOWLEDGE!

THANK YOU all so much for the packages.  I feel so blessed. Caramels, Snickers, muddy buddies, M&M's, Aunt Marcy’s Rice Krispies!  My Zone and District LOVES YOU ALL!  Mom - your caramels were a hit! Everyone loved them. One Elder even said "What kind of angel made these, and how can I thank her?" So, everyone here agrees you are an angel.  Thank you, thank you everyone.

This week was awesome. I had many growing experiences and I'm sure next week there will be many more.  We went into Wednesday feeling refreshed and ready to learn, however, it was probably one of the hardest days for me here at the MTC.  

We had TRC, which is just a block where we meet and teach other French speaking members who live in the area.  One of them was Connor Haller's cousin, who had served in the Lyon Mission, so that was cool.   It was just one of those days.  Soeur Proodfoot and I were teaching a lesson at 2, TRC was at 1, and we only found out about it 15 minutes before. We let the stress get the best of us.  (We forgot all about "No Stress Stay Blessed!”) We went into TRC flustered and unable to feel the Spirit.  It was so hard.  I could not say one word in French.  All I wanted to do was cry... I was just so frustrated, only making the problem worse.  

When we are frustrated, doubtful, and even nervous we are unable to feel the spirit.  All good things come from God, and doubt, fear and frustration are not good things, and they DO NOT come from God.  

We returned to class and Soeur Proodfoot and I talked about what had happened and how we are never ever going to let it happen again. For the rest of the week, all of our lessons went AMAZING! Never as we planned, but only as the Spirit guided. THE SPIRIT IS THE ONLY WAY, I'M TELLING YOU.  Through the Spirit I am learning so much, sometimes a lot slower than I wish, but, as Elder M (the Hawaiian Elder in our Zone) would say, "Inch by inch life is a cinch." 

Sundays truly are beautiful days here at the MTC.  We wake up, eat some cereal, go back to the classroom for some personal study, go to Music and the Spoken Word, and then the Sisters listen to a speaker while the Elders are at Priesthood.  We come back, go to lunch, district meeting, then Sacrament.  

This Sunday, however, was a little different.  Soeur Proodfoot and I walked into our classroom to find a member of the Branch Presidency.  He asked the rest of our class to leave, and then asked if Soeur Proodfoot and I would be the Sister Training Leaders for the Zone. So, we went to beau-coup meetings on Sunday.  I am very excited to serve the sisters in our Zone, however, I feel very inadequate for the job. I know that this particular assignment is more for me than for the sisters I am serving.  They truly are so amazing! 

In the past few days since we have had our assignment, my love for them has grown more than I thought possible.  I know we have only been in our calling for a day and a half now, but we have already had to take care of some things. I have truly seen the Lord guiding and directing both us as Sister Training Leaders and the Zone Leaders.  I know our Heavenly Father is guiding this church.  His hand is truly in the details of our life and for that I am eternally grateful.  

In class the other day we read 1st Nephi, Chapter 1.  Our teacher told us to highlight anytime that you feel the Spirit speaking to you after we talked about the power of personal revelation. He said something that made me feel so grateful for this gospel and the knowledge we have. He said “Every day when you receive REVELATION, YOU are partaking of things the rest of the world does NOT believe exists." I cannot imagine a life without believing in personal revelation and modern day revelation through prophets.  Heavenly Father has a plan for us and he gives us promptings and guidance each day. It is up to us to notice them and most importantly, ACT on them.

This week I have thought a lot about the love and comfort we can feel from our Savior.  I know in my life one of my favorite things is getting to know people for who they truly are.  I love to learn why they are the way they are, and the amazing things they have accomplished and overcome.  I have learned that when I come to know someone well, it is so easy to feel LOVE for them, because just maybe you can taste Christ's love for them.  Think about this... Christ knows everything we have ever been through. He knows everything we have ever felt; every joy, every tear, every frustration, every fear, and every laugh. I cannot even begin to imagine the LOVE he has for each and every one of us.  HE WILL NOT LEAVE US COMFORTLESS. I cannot wait to share his LOVE in France!

I love you all.  I am so HAPPY to be a Missionary. I FEEL THE JOY OF THIS GOSPEL and I cannot wait to get to France and share it!

Love you all,

Soeur Back

Katie and I now live on the same floor. It is so nice to see her smiling face every day.  I have not used my debit or credit card... I’ll get on that. Oh and I got a little sick this week... Our whole Zone is struggling, but I’m taking lots of vitamins and fighting off the worst of it. I did not get the little ones cold, SORRY I NEVER ANSWERED THAT QUESTION YOU ALL ASKED.  


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

MTC Week 2

Hi family!!!

How is everyone!???! Thank you for all your love and support! I love reading all your letters and hearing about all the cute little things the little ones do! I'm sure my district gets sick of me talking about all of you all the time!! Claire, keep working on your prayers in French! Trust me - they are hard! I know!!

So, here is the deal! The MTC is great! There is such an amazing spirit here everywhere you go!! But, it is usually the same thing day in and day out. So, my letter this week will probably not be as exciting as last week. Considering it will be about the same, I'll take you through the play by play of our day!

6:30- Wake up. Speed get ready!! Mom - you would be proud - sometimes I even make my bed!
7:00- Breakfast! I usually eat a grapefruit and a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
7:30- Class with a teacher or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
11:30- Lunch! (Special of the day plus DONUT)
12:15- Class with a teacher or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
4:30- Dinner (salad wrap)
5:15- Class with a teacher/ or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
9:00- Gym!!! (So, there is a record board and the sisters joggling record is only 200... so yeah I'm planning on beating it! Ha ha ha)
10:30- Lights out!!

Just a glimpse at my life the past 2 weeks! I'd say it is a pretty good deal!! Except that my stomach sometimes doesn't love the food. We are slowly learning what to avoid here at the MTC!
My teachers are amazing! Frere Pistorius is one of the most intelligent, funny, entertaining humans I have ever met! We get each other’s humor... The other day we were writing sentences in French, of course, and I was like, "Wait. So now I just have to add an "s" to make it plural?" Very sarcastically he responded “Yes, Seour Back you just have to add an ‘s!’” I then responded, "Whatever dude!" He started laughing and then stuck his hand out for what I thought was a high five! So I gave him I high five... I then learned that “dude” and high fives are very against the rules! We had a good laugh and then learned from our mistakes! Most mornings, with Frere Pistorius, we will read a chapter in the Book of Mormon out loud as a class! It might be my favorite time of day to hear his input and discuss as a class the doctrine we are learning about! There is always such an amazing spirit!

Our other teacher, Soeur Coleman, is also amazing! She is more soft spoken and all around just a very loving person! Between the two teachers I feel so blessed! They truly are amazing and always bring such an amazing spirit with them into the classroom!

My comp is still amazing! Each day we learn new things about how similar we really are! With the other sisters in our zone one night, we did spirit animals... I know a little weird - judge us! At the end of meeting our spirit animals... (LOL I know this sounds so stupid) but, we both turned to each other and said "I think I'm a horse!" There's a fun fact of the week! So, if you were ever up late one night wondering what my and Soeur Proodfoot's spirit animal is... now you know it’s a horse!

On a more spiritual note, I am so grateful to have her as a companion! She is such an accomplished individual! She pushes me every day to work a little harder to be a little better! I really hope I get to serve with her in Paris! She is amazing and when we teach together it is pure gold!! One of my biggest fears of being a missionary was losing myself and forgetting how to laugh. Laughing is not a problem! I find myself in tears at least twice a day because my zone is hilarious! It is so fun to have a good laugh while feeling the Spirit! That's what this gospel is all about! Feeling the JOY!! And that's just what we are doing!!  parceque, missionary! :)

I love it here in the MTC! At every Entrance of every building there is a picture of the Savior and within the same frame is a mirror! It took me until this week to realize how cool that truly is! Through Him, I can become perfect just as He is! One day, I too can stand side-by-side with him! How cool is that!? WE CAN ALL BECOME!

On Sunday we watched The Character of Christ by Elder Bednar! It is a talk he gave here at the MTC on Christmas day a few years ago! I left the movie wanting to BECOME!  I want to turn outward in all my doings, to think of others first even in my hardest circumstance, just as Christ did! This week I have been so grateful for the perfect example Christ was! I am so happy to be a missionary! I cannot wait to get to Paris and begin to share my light! I am so grateful that every day through the Atonement I can work a little harder to be a little better and day by day become closer to Christ! I am so grateful for the love I feel from not only you guys as family, but from my loving Heavenly Father! I feel His support and guidance every day and for that I am eternally grateful! I Love you all. Thanks for being the best dudes around. I feel so blessed!!

Oh, and how could I almost forget!? Happiest of Birthday weeks to the two most beautiful and amazing grandmas around! You two have blessed my life in more ways than you have/will ever know! Thank you so much for your constant example of Christ-like service and love! You two have been through your fair share of tough stuff, but you put that smile on your face and do what you have to do! Do not think it went/goes unnoticed! If I turn out to be half the caregivers and Christ-like women you are, I will be one happy person! I love you both! Now don't get too old while I'm gone! :)

Well my time is up! I love you all! I don't think I need anything other than maybe some yummy mints/ treats to suck on so I can stay awake in class... Ha-ha, but I love you all. Have the best week ever!!


Soeur Back

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Sister Back's First Letter Home!

How are you all?? Thank you for all the Dear Elders, and emails! Please keep them coming - it is the best way to end a day with a note from the fam!! Mary Beth sends me one almost everyday!! Getting mail is the bomb. Okay, well, there is so much to tell you, and so little time, so I am going to try my best!! Leaving Mom and Dad at the curb was a little sadder than I thought it was going to be! However, Sister Hayes, a girl who went to Skyline, was my host, so it made it a lot easier than I was expecting!! NO TEARS! We walked to building 1M where I went into a room and received my name tag! SUCH A HAPPY THING! With a big smile on my face, a sweet lady who kinda reminded me of Mom put my name tag on. With tears in her eyes she said, ”My daughter comes home from her mission in a few months and I see so much of her in you!!” I felt so much joy and comfort in that moment, and knew that was exactly where I was supposed to be! I went and put my bags in my room, and quickly went to class, where only French was being spoken!! The only thing I and the other two sisters could do was laugh! Soeur Proodfoot (my comp) came in a little while later, she sat down, and immediately started communicating with the teacher.... We all felt a little worried! They actually gave her the option to leave for France in two weeks, but she stayed with me!! I am so grateful for that!! She may not be in the MTC for herself, but I know she is here for me!! She has lived all over the world, including Belgium, which is a part of our mission!! We are so much alike it’s a little weird... The other day in class she said "Guys, what is your daily urge? Like mine is to do a headstand!!!" My mouth dropped I was so EXCITED!! We continue to bond over stupid stuff like that everyday!! She truly is a blessing in my life!! So far we haven't had a permanent teacher... It has made things a little challenging. However, it is great for our agency... We have to do a lot of studying on our own, which is kinda hard when our zone is so fun! But Soeur Proodfoot and I have decided that the tone on our classroom is set by us, so we have to remained focused on learning French and the Gospel, and others seem to follow! My district is amazing. It is composed of 2 companionships of Elders and 2 companionships of Sisters, including Proodfoot and me! The Elders are Awesome!! They have such a strong desire to learn and are so smart! It pushes all of us to work a little harder! We sit in a classroom with them for hours on end, so I feel so lucky they are so great! The rest of our floor is composed of other French speaking missionaries and our Zone, so the hallways are full of French and socializing. Not sure if that is the best thing, but sometimes you need a little break right??? In my room, it is just the 4 of us Sisters in our district!! SO, YES MOM, I HAVE 2 CLOSETS AND MY CLOTHES FIT!!!!! So BLESSED ALWAYS HERE! On Friday, Soeur Proodfoot and I taught our first lesson! We are teaching a lady named Solonge! (Really, she will become one of our teachers, but as of now we know her as Solonge, an investigator she taught on our teacher’s mission)! Our first lesson was tough... Probably one of the harder days! All I had to do was say the prayer and ask a simple question... I did it... Just very poorly... I had so much I wanted to say, I just didn't know the words to say it!! It was so frustrating! Luckily Soeur Proodfoot carried the lesson and The Spirit was there! I am so grateful for that experience though, because it truly gave me the desire to learn the language! God truly works in mysterious ways!! GENERAL CONFERENCE was THE BEST!!! I LOVED every second of it! Especially Saturday morning!! Elder Wong's talk might have been one of my favorites when he said "The work to save souls is never too demanding!” How true is that?!! I know serving a mission is going to be hard! But I am prepared! This work is so important, and I am so excited to be focused on it all the time!! There were so many good talks!! How could you ever choose your favorite!! In the MTC, the gym turns into a huge auditorium where all 2,000 missionaries watched conference in English! It was truly an amazing experience to all be together, listening to these talks from our leaders that felt as though they were truly directed toward you. Everyone said “Make it to Sunday…” I made it to Sunday with a smile on my face, but Monday was by far my favorite day here!! We had a lesson from a random teacher named Frere Israel. He speaks very poor English and has a pretty crazy accent, so none of us could understand him... It was funny!! We all were laughing! We had our second lesson with Solonge. On our first lesson with Solonge, we went in with a written out lesson plan... every question, every testimony... It was bad... So this time we decided we weren't going to take in any exact notes, and just try and teach by The Spirit. We planned a lesson on The Spirit, prophets and the Book of Mormon because Solonge had watched conference. It WAS THE BEST THING EVER!!! We asked her how conference was and talked a little bit about it! Soeur ProodFoot bore her testimony on how she came to know the truth of The Church! Then it was my turn... In very broken French I said, "Everyday I read the Book of Mormon I feel The Spirit and the joy and peace it brings. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God! JE SAIS!!" Soeur Proodfoot continued to tell her how the Book of Mormon and Bible go hand and hand! I all the sudden felt so much Love for Solonge! I knew I had to share the love I had for her and more importantly the love our Heavenly Father has for her!! In very broken French I said! I love you! I Know that our Heavenly Father loves you! With tears in our eyes The Spirit was in the room!! I am SO GRATEFUL for The SPIRIT!! I WILL TEACH A THOUSAND LESSONS IF HE IS THERE!! It was one of the best feelings in the whole world to share a message that your Heavenly Father wanted/needed Solonge to know!! I am so grateful for that experience! It has made me so excited to share this gospel with the people of France! Monday Night/every night, we have gym, and it is the most fun thing ever!! We play volleyball with our Zone and I LOVE EVERY SECOND OF IT!! Today has been a great day, we woke up at 5 and headed to the temple with our Zone! So early, but so worth it!! In the celestial room I said a prayer telling my Heavenly Father my goals for my mission. I then asked Him what his goals were for me! As I was sitting there I heard a voice that said "Share your light, share my love!" I sat there with tears in my eyes filled with so much joy knowing that my Heavenly Father Loves me, knows me, and communicates with me. I know I am supposed to be here right now, to share my light with those around me! I know this is where I am supposed to be!! I have never been more happy!! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!! I love you all! You are all truly amazing examples to me!! Thank you for your love and support!! GUYS, GO SHARE YOUR LIGHT!! I LOVE YOU ALL! Love, Seour Back

Thursday, October 2, 2014


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Whit went into the MTC yesterday at 12:30 p.m.  She was SO excited and was ready to get to work. When she arrived she was greeted by Maddy Hayes, a friend from Utah State who helped her with her luggage. As Whit walked away, my mom said "She didn't even look back." We sure love her and are proud that she is willing to go teach the people of Paris.

We were lucky enough to get an E-mail today from one of Whitney's good friends, Sister Katie Nydegger.  Katie has been in the MTC a week and wrote my parents on her P-day. This is the note she wrote with these attached pictures. 

"HI HI HI! I told Whitney I would write you real quick. I have no time, so, sorry if this doesn't make sense! Anyway her P-day is on Tuesday, and she will write you then. She is so happy, and loves her companion!!!! We see each other all the time because we eat meals at the same time. She says she loves you!!! She is SO HAPPY!"