Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Week 3 and Not Even Mad About It.

Time is flying by here in the MTC - especially this week.  I still love it here.  My day is still the same old same old, full of the Spirit and learning. SO MUCH LEARNING! I LOVE KNOWLEDGE!

THANK YOU all so much for the packages.  I feel so blessed. Caramels, Snickers, muddy buddies, M&M's, Aunt Marcy’s Rice Krispies!  My Zone and District LOVES YOU ALL!  Mom - your caramels were a hit! Everyone loved them. One Elder even said "What kind of angel made these, and how can I thank her?" So, everyone here agrees you are an angel.  Thank you, thank you everyone.

This week was awesome. I had many growing experiences and I'm sure next week there will be many more.  We went into Wednesday feeling refreshed and ready to learn, however, it was probably one of the hardest days for me here at the MTC.  

We had TRC, which is just a block where we meet and teach other French speaking members who live in the area.  One of them was Connor Haller's cousin, who had served in the Lyon Mission, so that was cool.   It was just one of those days.  Soeur Proodfoot and I were teaching a lesson at 2, TRC was at 1, and we only found out about it 15 minutes before. We let the stress get the best of us.  (We forgot all about "No Stress Stay Blessed!”) We went into TRC flustered and unable to feel the Spirit.  It was so hard.  I could not say one word in French.  All I wanted to do was cry... I was just so frustrated, only making the problem worse.  

When we are frustrated, doubtful, and even nervous we are unable to feel the spirit.  All good things come from God, and doubt, fear and frustration are not good things, and they DO NOT come from God.  

We returned to class and Soeur Proodfoot and I talked about what had happened and how we are never ever going to let it happen again. For the rest of the week, all of our lessons went AMAZING! Never as we planned, but only as the Spirit guided. THE SPIRIT IS THE ONLY WAY, I'M TELLING YOU.  Through the Spirit I am learning so much, sometimes a lot slower than I wish, but, as Elder M (the Hawaiian Elder in our Zone) would say, "Inch by inch life is a cinch." 

Sundays truly are beautiful days here at the MTC.  We wake up, eat some cereal, go back to the classroom for some personal study, go to Music and the Spoken Word, and then the Sisters listen to a speaker while the Elders are at Priesthood.  We come back, go to lunch, district meeting, then Sacrament.  

This Sunday, however, was a little different.  Soeur Proodfoot and I walked into our classroom to find a member of the Branch Presidency.  He asked the rest of our class to leave, and then asked if Soeur Proodfoot and I would be the Sister Training Leaders for the Zone. So, we went to beau-coup meetings on Sunday.  I am very excited to serve the sisters in our Zone, however, I feel very inadequate for the job. I know that this particular assignment is more for me than for the sisters I am serving.  They truly are so amazing! 

In the past few days since we have had our assignment, my love for them has grown more than I thought possible.  I know we have only been in our calling for a day and a half now, but we have already had to take care of some things. I have truly seen the Lord guiding and directing both us as Sister Training Leaders and the Zone Leaders.  I know our Heavenly Father is guiding this church.  His hand is truly in the details of our life and for that I am eternally grateful.  

In class the other day we read 1st Nephi, Chapter 1.  Our teacher told us to highlight anytime that you feel the Spirit speaking to you after we talked about the power of personal revelation. He said something that made me feel so grateful for this gospel and the knowledge we have. He said “Every day when you receive REVELATION, YOU are partaking of things the rest of the world does NOT believe exists." I cannot imagine a life without believing in personal revelation and modern day revelation through prophets.  Heavenly Father has a plan for us and he gives us promptings and guidance each day. It is up to us to notice them and most importantly, ACT on them.

This week I have thought a lot about the love and comfort we can feel from our Savior.  I know in my life one of my favorite things is getting to know people for who they truly are.  I love to learn why they are the way they are, and the amazing things they have accomplished and overcome.  I have learned that when I come to know someone well, it is so easy to feel LOVE for them, because just maybe you can taste Christ's love for them.  Think about this... Christ knows everything we have ever been through. He knows everything we have ever felt; every joy, every tear, every frustration, every fear, and every laugh. I cannot even begin to imagine the LOVE he has for each and every one of us.  HE WILL NOT LEAVE US COMFORTLESS. I cannot wait to share his LOVE in France!

I love you all.  I am so HAPPY to be a Missionary. I FEEL THE JOY OF THIS GOSPEL and I cannot wait to get to France and share it!

Love you all,

Soeur Back

Katie and I now live on the same floor. It is so nice to see her smiling face every day.  I have not used my debit or credit card... I’ll get on that. Oh and I got a little sick this week... Our whole Zone is struggling, but I’m taking lots of vitamins and fighting off the worst of it. I did not get the little ones cold, SORRY I NEVER ANSWERED THAT QUESTION YOU ALL ASKED.  


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