Wednesday, October 15, 2014

MTC Week 2

Hi family!!!

How is everyone!???! Thank you for all your love and support! I love reading all your letters and hearing about all the cute little things the little ones do! I'm sure my district gets sick of me talking about all of you all the time!! Claire, keep working on your prayers in French! Trust me - they are hard! I know!!

So, here is the deal! The MTC is great! There is such an amazing spirit here everywhere you go!! But, it is usually the same thing day in and day out. So, my letter this week will probably not be as exciting as last week. Considering it will be about the same, I'll take you through the play by play of our day!

6:30- Wake up. Speed get ready!! Mom - you would be proud - sometimes I even make my bed!
7:00- Breakfast! I usually eat a grapefruit and a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!
7:30- Class with a teacher or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
11:30- Lunch! (Special of the day plus DONUT)
12:15- Class with a teacher or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
4:30- Dinner (salad wrap)
5:15- Class with a teacher/ or (personal study, comp study, language study, and tall)
9:00- Gym!!! (So, there is a record board and the sisters joggling record is only 200... so yeah I'm planning on beating it! Ha ha ha)
10:30- Lights out!!

Just a glimpse at my life the past 2 weeks! I'd say it is a pretty good deal!! Except that my stomach sometimes doesn't love the food. We are slowly learning what to avoid here at the MTC!
My teachers are amazing! Frere Pistorius is one of the most intelligent, funny, entertaining humans I have ever met! We get each other’s humor... The other day we were writing sentences in French, of course, and I was like, "Wait. So now I just have to add an "s" to make it plural?" Very sarcastically he responded “Yes, Seour Back you just have to add an ‘s!’” I then responded, "Whatever dude!" He started laughing and then stuck his hand out for what I thought was a high five! So I gave him I high five... I then learned that “dude” and high fives are very against the rules! We had a good laugh and then learned from our mistakes! Most mornings, with Frere Pistorius, we will read a chapter in the Book of Mormon out loud as a class! It might be my favorite time of day to hear his input and discuss as a class the doctrine we are learning about! There is always such an amazing spirit!

Our other teacher, Soeur Coleman, is also amazing! She is more soft spoken and all around just a very loving person! Between the two teachers I feel so blessed! They truly are amazing and always bring such an amazing spirit with them into the classroom!

My comp is still amazing! Each day we learn new things about how similar we really are! With the other sisters in our zone one night, we did spirit animals... I know a little weird - judge us! At the end of meeting our spirit animals... (LOL I know this sounds so stupid) but, we both turned to each other and said "I think I'm a horse!" There's a fun fact of the week! So, if you were ever up late one night wondering what my and Soeur Proodfoot's spirit animal is... now you know it’s a horse!

On a more spiritual note, I am so grateful to have her as a companion! She is such an accomplished individual! She pushes me every day to work a little harder to be a little better! I really hope I get to serve with her in Paris! She is amazing and when we teach together it is pure gold!! One of my biggest fears of being a missionary was losing myself and forgetting how to laugh. Laughing is not a problem! I find myself in tears at least twice a day because my zone is hilarious! It is so fun to have a good laugh while feeling the Spirit! That's what this gospel is all about! Feeling the JOY!! And that's just what we are doing!!  parceque, missionary! :)

I love it here in the MTC! At every Entrance of every building there is a picture of the Savior and within the same frame is a mirror! It took me until this week to realize how cool that truly is! Through Him, I can become perfect just as He is! One day, I too can stand side-by-side with him! How cool is that!? WE CAN ALL BECOME!

On Sunday we watched The Character of Christ by Elder Bednar! It is a talk he gave here at the MTC on Christmas day a few years ago! I left the movie wanting to BECOME!  I want to turn outward in all my doings, to think of others first even in my hardest circumstance, just as Christ did! This week I have been so grateful for the perfect example Christ was! I am so happy to be a missionary! I cannot wait to get to Paris and begin to share my light! I am so grateful that every day through the Atonement I can work a little harder to be a little better and day by day become closer to Christ! I am so grateful for the love I feel from not only you guys as family, but from my loving Heavenly Father! I feel His support and guidance every day and for that I am eternally grateful! I Love you all. Thanks for being the best dudes around. I feel so blessed!!

Oh, and how could I almost forget!? Happiest of Birthday weeks to the two most beautiful and amazing grandmas around! You two have blessed my life in more ways than you have/will ever know! Thank you so much for your constant example of Christ-like service and love! You two have been through your fair share of tough stuff, but you put that smile on your face and do what you have to do! Do not think it went/goes unnoticed! If I turn out to be half the caregivers and Christ-like women you are, I will be one happy person! I love you both! Now don't get too old while I'm gone! :)

Well my time is up! I love you all! I don't think I need anything other than maybe some yummy mints/ treats to suck on so I can stay awake in class... Ha-ha, but I love you all. Have the best week ever!!


Soeur Back

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