Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Happy Birthday Mom!

Location: Rennes

Hi!! How is everyone?!! How was Thanksgiving!? It’s kind of an American holiday, but don't worry, we still celebrated! On Wednesday we had district meeting and then we ate a nice big Thanksgiving dinner with our district! It was fun! We made a cheesecake! It actually turned out! Everyone was very impressed! Haha. I've actually been quiet domestic this week! While my companion was writing her essays, I slaved away in the kitchen making chicken pot pie and cookies. I also studied the language and read the Book Of Mormon of course!!

This week was awesome! I love being a servant of the Lord!! I try each day to be worthy to be guided by the Spirit! Even though we spent a lot of time inside this week... we still had lots of rendezvous and met lots of people! I have a strong testimony that the Lord truly does concentrate our time and efforts as missionaries!

Sometimes during personal study I look at the time, worried that time is up, and that I won't have time to study everything I want, and then I look at the clock and I still have a solid 30 minutes to study!! It is the best!!  During language study I will learn a certain amount of words for that day and somehow, in some way, those words are put to use that day! Whether it is on a sign on the street, or a member uses it, or I have to use it during a lesson, our Heavenly Father finds a way for me to use and learn those words!! It truly is incredible!! It is a testimony of the importance of this work! WE CAN NOT WASTE A MINUTE!! The language is coming slowly but surely! I can not wait for the day it just clicks! I know if I keep working at it, it will come!! I can always use your prayers! In fact, if you want to pray 3 times a day for me to have the gift of tongues, it would be much appreciated!

So, this week, like I have said was a little different! Sara didn't come to PPP (pancakes, ping pong, and penser spiritual (spiritual thought))! It is a fun activity for all the young adults in the ward on Wednesday night! Sara said she was going to come but then never showed up! I called her and left her a message and she never called us back, and then our other awesome GOLDEN investigator, Rosa, wasn't returning our phone call either!! We were so sad, but just kind of confused more than anything!! We never lost faith! we kept praying for them and thinking about them!! And then, GUESS what?? We woke up Sunday morning with a text from Sara!!! She had to move that week, and was just really busy, but wants to meet with us this week!! SO, we were like super excited about that, and then we were planning that night, and guess who called us! Yep, ROSA! She had been super busy with work!! We are seeing her this week!!! I know our Heavenly Father is preparing them and helping them understand the importance of his message!! I know that if we have faith and righteous desires, and we act upon those righteous desires, he will bless us and those we are praying for!!

I love Gratitude and I love Thanksgiving because it reminds us to be grateful ALL THE TIME! Have you seen that amazing HE IS THE GIFT video!??? I love it!! I know this video will change lives! While I was in the MTC, the head over Mormon Messages came and talked to us about the whole "He is The Gift Initiative." I know it is truly inspired and will bring so many unto Christ! I challenge all of you to share that video with a less active or non member!

This week was Stake Conference, so we got to go to Nantes! It was so beautiful!  We drove with the Alliot's (the one who calls me her daughter and gives me hugs). Haha - they love us!  It was about an hour and half drive through the country during sunrise!!!! It was Heavenly Father's Gift to me that day!! I really needed to see the sun, and, I mean, the sun rise is like the best!! I am so grateful for the beauty of the Earth! It truly is another testimony of God's love for us!!

I love being a missionary!! I am so grateful for my Savior! I want nothing more than for him to fully trust me! I want to show him that I am listening to his promptings! That I will talk to whoever he wants me to talk to! Walk wherever he wants me to walk! I pray each day to let him show me my weaknesses and to help me make them strong! I know through Him anything is possible! I Love you all!! Have the best week ever!!!


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